Dental conservation
No Replacement is as good as your own teeth! For this reason, your dentist CASA DENTALIS attaches great importance to preserving your own teeth in the long term. By tooth preservation we mean all measures that serve the purpose of keeping your natural teeth and not replacing them with an artificial product.
In our Berlin dental practices in in Lichterfelde, Wilmersdorf and Steglitz-Zehlendorf we rely on the latest technology and only high-quality materials to provide our patients with optimal tolerability, optical perfection as well as to guarantee long durability.
Your satisfaction is our motivation. In a detailed consultation, your experienced dentist at CASA DENTALIS will be happy to advise you at any time about the options for tooth preservation that are open to you, so that together we can find an optimal medical solution that fully meets your wishes and expectations.
Dental disease is an impairment of the tooth structure (enamel, dentin (obsolete dentin), root cementum) or periodontium.
Dental diseases are not only an aesthetic problem, in most cases they also lead to severe toothache and tooth damage. More and more studies show that dental diseases also cause Effects on the general health of our body which should not be underestimated. This is another reason why tooth preservation is an important field of dentistry.
Effects of dental diseases on our health:
- Caries is associated with digestive problems, diabetes, heart, circulatory diseases
- Periodontitis is a trigger of cardiovascular diseases, increased risk of stroke, diabetes, premature birth and miscarriage, respiratory diseases, rheumatism, diabetes, lung diseases
- Functional diseases such as headaches and facial pain, migraine, tinnitus
- Tolerance of dental materials and general allergies

Methods of tooth preservation
What does your dental practice Berlin, CASA DENTALIS, offer for tooth preservation?
At CASA DENTALIS, your dentist Berlin, we offer a wide range of dental services for tooth preservation. These include, among others:
- Endodontics
- Periodontology
- Amalgam drainage
- restorative dentistry (e.g. dental fillings)
- Prophylaxis
Amalgam drainage

What are dental fillings?
If teeth are damaged, for example Example due to caries, the resulting holes must be closed in order to protect the tooth and the underlying nerve. For smaller defects, dental fillings are used at CASA DENTALIS.
Dental fillings are soft filling materials that are inserted into the tooth by your dentist from Berlin and later harden. If it is a larger defect, high-quality fillings are used. Inlays oder Onlays (dt. Kuppelfüllung) of our Berlin dental laboratory is used. To prevent the further deterioration of the tooth defect, it is important to have it treated by your trusted dentist as soon as possible.
- Plastic fillings
- Ceramics / -inlays / -onlays / -overlays
- Gold Inlays
Dental fillings are regularly performed by your dentist in the dental centers of CASA DENTALIS. As a result, our patients benefit from the many years of routine experience of our doctors.
A dental filling is performed at CASA DENTALIS as follows:
- Thorough cleaning of the affected area
- Affected tooth site is removed with the drill
- Dental area is disinfected
- Placement of the filling
Endodontics is the root canal treatment for tooth preservation. This is used when the Nerve of a tooth (pulp) is inflamed or dead. Thanks to the latest technology, our dentists at CASA DENTALIS in Berlin are able to save even massively damaged and dead teeth.

What is the procedure for root canal treatment?
- At the beginning your dentist from Berlin makes digital radiographs for measuring the root canals on to guarantee optimum cleaning at a later stage.
- To allow access to the root canal, the tooth is drilled out and the infected tissue is removed.
- Ihe root canals are then cleaned with an antibacterial agent.
- Depending on the severity of the disease, a root canal treatment may be spread over several appointments. If this is the case, your dentist will close the root canal with a temporary filling.
- In the final session, your dentist will fill the root canals with a special root filling material, and place a crown or filling to rebuild the tooth.
After several months, the success of the treatment can be checked by X-rays. With the help of a microscope, your dentist at CASA DENTALIS is able to find even the tiniest root canals and thus remove all the painful tissue to enable successful root canal treatment.
If desired, all procedures can of course be performed in all CASA DENTALIS dental practices in Berlin under anesthesia or, if necessary, general anesthesia.
Arrange a meeting today for your individual consultation on the subject of tooth filling, amalgam removal or root canal treatment with your dentist Berlin in one of our practices in Lichterfelde, Wilmersdorf and Steglitz-Zehlendorf.
Our dentists at our locations in Berlin Lichterfelde, Wilmersdorf and Steglitz-Zehlendorf are practiced experts in the field of endodontics. With a steady hand and years of experience, our patients at CASA DENTALIS benefit not only from low-pain root canal treatment, but also from thoroughly high chances of success.