CASA DENTALIS has closed its branch at Roseneck
- You can now find us in Charlottenburg at CASA DENTALIS at Steubenplatz - Am Steubenplatz 1, 14050 Berlin - Phone: 030 308 300 11
- or in Lichterfelde at CASA DENTALIS Lichterfelde - Drakestr. 23 A, 12205 Berlin - Phone: 030 53141 91 0

Committed to the well-being of your teeth.

As with all of our other locations, the dentists at CASA DENTALIS ROSENECK, located between the districts Schmargendorf and Grunewald in Berlin, are committed to maintaining the well-being of your teeth.
From root canal treatments and tooth fillings to microscope-assisted endodontics or periodontal surgery, our compassionate, well-trained dentists are always ready to provide support and treatment to patients with dental phobia every day. In addition, check-ups, consultations and aesthetic denture treatments are at your disposal on Saturdays. Let our dentists at Berlin’s Roseneck also consult you in detail about these topics.

- Our equipment includes magnifying glasses, with which diagnosis and root canal treatments can be performed even more accurately and carefully.
- Thanks to our close and fast cooperation with the Lichterfelde Dental Clinic and the in-house practice laboratory, you will receive a speedy diagnosis and comprehensive treatment from us.

Long opening hours
We offer appointments in the evening and Saturdays on - for optimum flexibility.
Comprehensive advice
A lot of time for our patients and a detailed consultation on all questions
Modern methods
Microscope-assisted endodontics and other modern technologies

We are looking forward to your visit!