Six things you should do now:
A broken tooth is a big shock, but what do you do then? Often it happens completely by chance and without any warning, e.g. during sports or dinner, and the tooth is already broken. In this situation, the following tip is worth its weight in gold and can save the broken tooth: Keep calm. With a cool head and the right action, you can master even this misfortune. We tell you what else is important.
1. Procedure for a broken tooth
1.1 - Stay calm
Before you panic or do anything, try to calm down and get a clear head. Be aware that you are under adrenaline and act carefully.
1.2 - Stop the bleeding
Are you bleeding? If so, where? Try to locate the bleeding and stop it with a tissue or a piece of bandage. Carefully remove broken pieces of the tooth from your mouth, if present.
1.3 - Cooling
Cool the affected area with a cold pack or cold washcloth to prevent swelling.

1.4 - Find and pick up broken tooth
The broken piece can be used to glue it back on and repair your tooth. So try to locate the broken piece and store it carefully until you are at the dentist.
1.5 - Transport of the broken tooth
A broken tooth should be transported in a tooth rescue box to prevent it from drying out. You can obtain these from any pharmacy.
Alternatively, you can also store the broken piece in cling film or in a freezer bag. A saline solution or UHT milk are also possible for storage.
1.6 - Immediately go to the emergency dental service
A chipped tooth should be treated by a specialist without fail and without delay.
We are well prepared for a broken tooth and know exactly what to do. Just recently, Dr. Schröder and Dr. Schulz-Siemens completed an advanced training course on the subject of anterior tooth trauma.
In the course of this training, our dentists learned how to carry out a gentle and effective initial treatment in order to then repair the tooth professionally and sustainably.
CASA DENTALIS Lichterfelde is open 365 days a year and has an emergency dental service that is also open for you on Sundays and public holidays.
Call now: 030 53 14 19 10
2. What you should avoid during transportation
2.1 - Transport in the hand
Never transport your broken tooth with your bare hand, but always use a suitable storage device such as a tooth rescue box.
2.2 - Self-supply
The restoration of a broken tooth must be performed by an expert. The risk of damage to nerve fibers is far too high for a layperson and could make saving the broken piece impossible.
2.3 - Allow tooth to dry out
Your broken tooth must not be allowed to dry out under any circumstances. Try to find it within half an hour and store it in a saline solution or UHT milk. Do not use clear water for storage under any circumstances!
2.4 - Cleaning the tooth crown
Try to touch the tooth as little as possible and transport it as-is.
2.5 - Touching the root surface
Never touch the fracture side of your tooth (root surface), otherwise you could damage or destroy functioning nerve cells. If possible, only touch it at the crown of the tooth.
3. Broken incisor due to an accident
Incisors most often break due to accidents during sports or other types of collisions. An unfortunate fall can also be his undoing. Children are particularly often affected by broken incisors, as they are very active in terms of movement.
In the case of particularly badly damaged teeth, a dental implant can also restore a beautiful smile & white teeth:

4. Broken molar when biting open
When biting on hard foods such as nuts, it is quite possible for a molar to break off. If teeth are already damaged or diseased, the risk of breakage is even higher.
You live in Berlin? The CASA DENTALIS emergency service is open 365 days a year – even on Sundays and public holidays.
Call the emergency service now:
030 53 14 19 10
5. Broken off tooth with root
In the rare event that your tooth has broken off together with the tooth root, we recommend that you consult a dentist immediately. Transport the tooth in a tooth rescue box or as described above.
6. Pain due to broken tooth
If the tooth nerve is injured during a tooth fracture, you will almost certainly feel pain. The tooth nerve is hidden inside the tooth and is very sensitive to any kind of stimuli. If you do not feel any pain, it is probably because the tooth was already dead. If only one corner of your tooth breaks off, you will most likely not feel any pain.
7. Chipped tooth:
The treatment
The type of treatment depends mainly on how large the broken piece is. If the tooth nerve has not been injured, treatment is usually uncomplicated. However, if the tooth nerve has been injured, treatment must be quick and thorough. Otherwise, bacteria can enter the tooth and cause infections that can be irreparable.

7.1 - Bonding of the broken tooth at Casa Dentalis
A broken tooth can be glued back on without any problems if transported correctly and acted upon quickly.
The broken piece is aligned accordingly and fixed with a special adhesive. The tooth is then irradiated with a UV lamp so that the adhesive hardens completely.
After the treatment, you should avoid heavy loads on the tooth.
7.2 - If you have lost the broken tooth
Sometimes you just have bad luck and do not find the broken tooth. The consolation: even in this case there are appropriate types of treatment.
7.2.1 - Treatment of a broken tooth corner
7.2.2 - Large piece broken off
Once a large piece of the tooth has broken off, it must be extensively reconstructed to ensure a stable and long-lasting solution.
One possible type of restoration would be, for example, a dental crown, which is made individually for you. It meets all aesthetic and functional requirements.
Call now: 030 53 14 19 10
8. Treatment costs broken tooth
Depending on the type and location of the fracture, the necessary type of treatment is selected from which the costs of care result. The prices quoted should be understood as a guideline, as they vary from practice to practice. To restore a tooth in the front area, a dental crown is usually made. The cost of a partially veneered crown is €400 to €600, while fully veneered crowns cost €800 to €1200. In the case of particularly large or severe damage to the tooth, a dental implant is recommended. The cost of this is about 3000€.

9. Is a broken tooth a health insurance benefit?
In principle, the treatment of a broken tooth is covered by the health insurance. However, the decisive factor for cost coverage is the dental findings. This should therefore be documented in detail, as it is used as the basis for the assessment by the insurance company.
The type of treatment is then also based on the dental findings. If the dentist finds a filling to be sufficient for the damaged tooth, then only reimbursement of the costs for this treatment will be granted. If, on the other hand, you choose a crown or even an implant to restore the tooth, you will only be reimbursed for the filling.
The rest of the costs will be borne by you. You can obtain more detailed information from your health insurance provider.
10. Broken off tooth crown
If a dental crown is damaged in an accident or similar, it can usually be repaired without any problems. For this purpose, the broken fragment is machined and then securely fixed. If the damage is extensive, the dental crown is removed and professionally restored in the dental laboratory. The repair can take up to two weeks, which is why a temporary denture is placed in the meantime. If a disease of the tooth is detected (e.g. due to caries), this must of course be treated before the dental crown is inserted.
In the case of particularly badly damaged teeth, a dental implant can also restore a beautiful smile & white teeth.

11. Root treated tooth broken off
A root-treated tooth is a dead tooth, which is why you are not in pain and the tooth fracture is not an acute emergency. Root-treated teeth are more fragile than healthy teeth and therefore fracture comparatively frequently. Nevertheless, they can be treated and restored using the methods already described, so that the aesthetics of your smile remain unaffected.
12. Conclusion
No one can predict when a tooth will break off and whether it can be saved afterwards. It can happen either during an exciting soccer game or during a cozy movie night on the couch. Even though the anger and shock can be overwhelming at that moment, it helps to take a breath and act thoughtfully. In most cases, it is possible to restore the tooth to its original condition without any problems.
CASA DENTALIS Lichterfelde is open 365 days a year and has an emergency dental service that is also open for you on Sundays and public holidays.
Call now: 030 53 14 19 10